Ginza Cozy Corner Mille Short Strawberry

Ginza Cozy Corner Mille Short Strawberry Sweets
Ginza Cozy Corner Mille Short Strawberry

Ginza Cosy Corner is a confectionery store that was founded in 1948 as a small coffee shop in Ginza 6-chome. Today, it has grown into a major sweets retailer with 400 stores nationwide. The “Mille Short Strawberry” is a shortcake made with strawberries and peach cream.

Where to Buy
Ginza Cozy Corner Ochanomizu
Address: 6-4, Kanda-Surugadai 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5577-3039
Business hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00-20:00
Sundays and holidays 11:00-19:00
Access 1 min. walk from JR “Ochanomizu” station and Tokyo Metro “Shin-ochanomizu” station.

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(Information as of November 25, 2023)