Mannendo Omedeto (congratulations)

Mannendou's Omedeto Sweets
Mannendou's Omedeto

Man’nen-do” is a long-established Japanese confectionery shop founded in Kyoto in 1613 and moved to Tokyo in the Meiji Era (1868-1912). “Omedeto” means “congratulations” in Japanese. It is a celebratory confectionery made to the specifications handed down from generation to generation at Mannendo.

住所   東京都中央区銀座7-13-21
電話   03-6264-2660
営業時間 11:00〜18:00
定休日  無休
アクセス 東京メトロ銀座線「銀座」駅A1出口から徒歩3分


(Information as of November 4, 2024)