Crech Crepe Sandwich

Crech Crepe sandwich Sweets
Crech Crepe sandwich

It is a crepe sandwich made by a company called Cretch. It is a creative confectionery. There is only one permanent store, and they sell their products in the style of temporary stalls in railroad ticket gates and department stores. This is a dark chocolate crepe sandwich.

Permanent shops
JR Musashimizonokuchi Station
Address: JR Musashimizonokuchi Station, 1-1-1 Mizonokuchi, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Phone 044-387-0011
Business hours: 10:00 – 21:00 (weekdays)
10:00~20:00 (Sat., Sun. and holidays)
Closed: Open all year round
Access Inside ticket gates of JR Musashimizonokuchi Station

横浜フルーツサンドウィッチ クレッチ
横浜発の新しいスイーツブランド。 フルーツと生クリームを クレープ生地でふんわりと包み込んだ 新感覚のスイーツ。

(Information as of October 13, 2023)